2014年 4月8日
April 8 2014
Sequel to the last article.
I answered, "Yes indeed but…, how did you know me?
She said and smirk.
「それはね…( ̄∀ ̄) あなたのブログを読んだことがあるからよ!!」
"It's because…( ̄∀ ̄) I 've read your blog."
She was follower of my blog!!
She said.
「ちょっとあなた! そこの席空いてる?」
"Hey you! Can I have the seat?"
I replied.
She took a seat diagonally opposite to me, and she put her big suitcase on the floor near the window, and said.
"I'm sure to put the suitcase here, and it's not in the way. I have a lot of baggage because I stayed Osaka for 4 days.
This time My trip was 4 days, and we are the same.
Most women take unnecessary items for a trip.
For example, cosmetics, accessories, many clothes and etc.
I take necessary items only.
たとえば、御朱印帖、海賊の望遠鏡、剣、銃 などだ。
For example, a Go-syuintho, a pirate's scope, a sword, a gun and etc.
だが、海賊の望遠鏡はレンズが壊れていてよく見えないし、 銃は弾も火薬も入っていない。
However, the pirate's scope is not clear because the lens is broken, and the gun there is no set of bullet and gunpowder because I don't have these items.
However when I am raided by navy, these are dependable items for me.
「ちょっとあなた! 面白い格好してるわね?あなたみたいな格好で電車に乗る人なんて、他にいないわよ!すぐにあなただとわかったわ!」
"Hey! You!! Your looks is strange. I have never seen a person like you in trains. So I could notice to you. "
I smirk and answered to her.
"To be honest, I am a pirate."
She was suprised and said.
「ちょっと!あなた!あなた、海賊だったの!? 知らなかったわ!!」
"Hey! You!! Are you a pirate? I didn't know it !!"
I said.
" I think that you had read my blog, so you already know about my back grounds. Am I right? "
She answered.
" I had read an alticle about Azumi-clan only. "
I asked to her.
"I see. How do you know the name of Azumi-clan?"
She looked at the window, and she seems like she remember something.
" Actually, I lived Chiba prefecture at 3 years ago. But, do you remember? A huge Earthquake and Tsunami called Great East Japan Earthquake occurred to Japan. "
I answered.
"Yes. But Great East Japan Earthquake occurred at Tohoku region. So it's not in Chiba prefecture."
She said as she looked at my eyes.
" Are you sure that the nuclear power plant broke down by the Tunami in Fukushima prefecture? "
" Sure. "
" Also, are you sure that the nuclear power plant broke down?, and as a result the radioactive material leaked and dispersed into the land?"
I knitted my eyebrows.
"But, the nuclear power plant disaster occurred in Fukushima prefecture, so it's not related to Chiba prefecture. Do you think so?"
She seems like amazed, and said.
「ちょっと! あなた! いい? 食べ物、水、野菜、魚などを私たちが食べたとき、一緒に放射性物質も取り込まれるのよ!! 放射性物質は大気に拡散し、風にのって広がったのよ。後々の未来も心配だわ…どんなことになるか…。」
"Hey! You!! You didn't understand it. Mind you, we have problem too, when we eat food, water, vegetable, fish, and etc, we also take radio active material. The radio active material dispersed on winds. I am worrying about our future…I don't know what might happen…"
"I see."
She continued.
"So, therefore I moved to Azumino city, Nagano prefecture, 2 years ago."
She said as she smiled.
「安曇野市の中心あたりに、穂高神社があるじゃない? 長野県は海の無い山に囲まれた地域なのに、穂高神社では海の神を祀っているのね!」
"In central part of Azumino ctiy, there is Hotaka shrine? In the Hotaka shrine enshrinse sea of Kami, even though Nagano prefecture surrounded by mountains, and nowhere sea."
" Exactlly, this Kami's name is 'Hotaka-mino-Kami' "
She answered and she clapped her hands.
「そうそう! でね、私は穂高神社に興味をもったのよ。それで、安曇族のことを知ったの。」
"Yes!! You know, I am interested about Hotaka shrine, and I researched Azumi-clan."
"I see."
I clearly understood it.
She asked me and she's so excited.
"Is it correct that Azumi-clan is the same to Izumo-clan?"
I didn't know about Izumo-clan, but I only heard the name.
There is a very famous shrine, Izumo-Grand-Shrine, in Shimane prefecture.
East part of Shimane prefecture is also called 'Izumo-Province'.
I asked to her.
" By Izumo-clan do you mean clan of Izumo-province where exist Izumo-grand-shraine?"
「そうよ。長野県の諏訪市には『諏訪大社』があるでしょ? だから安曇族は出雲族だったのではないか?ということよ。」
" Yes. You know, there is ’ Suwa-grand-shrine ’ in Suwa city in Nagano prefecture? so it is said Azumi-clan is also the same Izumo-clan."
" I don't understand what you said. Is Suwa-Grand-Shrine not related to this story? "
"Suwa-grand-shrine enshrines Kami of Izumo-Province."
I asked her, and suprised.
"Suwa-grand-shrine enshrines…kami of Izumo-Province?"
"Yes. Hey! You!! You don't know about basic matter of the myth? Izumo-Province is a place where kamis gather once a year. "
" Gather…Kamis? "
" Yes, Kamis of Japan gather in it once a year, and they discuss the Japan's situation."
" I see, that is to say, for instance they discuss the issue of the nuclear power generation?
She was puzzled for a moment, but she thought for a little while, and said.
"Yes. I think that it is also possible. "
I asked her name.
She answered.
"Please call me Woodper."
" Woodper…it's good name. Well, Woodper, I heard 'Okuninushi' , Kami of Izumo-Province, only by name. But I know nothing beyond this. I want you to tell me about 'Izumo' So tell me about it if you do please. "
" Okey. listen, according to the myth, Japan was divided into three worlds. The heaven where dwelling place of the kami named ' Takama-ga-hara ( Plain of High Heaven )'. The earth where living palace of human named ' Nakatsukuni ( middle country ) '. The land of the dead (World of Darkness) named ' Yomi (Yellow springs) '. Amaterasu ruled Takama-ga-hara(Heaven), and Okuninushi ruled Nakatsukuni(earth)"
"What about Yomi(World of dead)?"
"I'm sorry! I forgot about it."
"It's okey. please go on."
"Amaterasu had been thinking about that Nakatsukuni(earth) should be ruled by a desendant of Amaterasu, when she was wacthing Nakatsukuni(earth) from Takamagahara(Heaven) "
"I think that it is easy work for Amaterasu."
" However Kamis are not almighty. They are not the same of the God of Christian religion. "
" I see. Well, why is that Amaterasu thought about to rule the Nakatsukuni(earth)? "
She started to tell the story.
To be continued.
To be continued.