
★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①

This is the
"Hushimi Inari grand shrine""伏見稲荷大社"
in front of the Inari station.

★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①
There are lot of foreign tourists here.

Of course,
I am a tourist who is from overseas.

I don't admit that objection(^^;)

There are men and women who wearing Kimono"着物".

The entrance was made up of big "Torii""鳥居" which painted with vermillion color and beautiful paved stones.

"Torii""鳥居" is shrine's gate.

★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①
This is clean and beautiful Vermilions colors of the "Worship hall" "拝殿".

★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①
This is…

"Ema""絵馬(votive horse tablets)" ….

Apropos of "Ema",

★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①
This "Ema" was taken in "Shirakawa-Go""白川郷"↑
"Shirakawa-Go" is world heritage "Shirakawa Village"
"Ema"is an animated cartoon character painted in a wood.

★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①
There were multinational "Ema" like this in "Ueno Tosyogu shrine"↑

I guess you can only find the Hushimi Inari grand shrine's "Ema" in japan located in Hushimi Inari Grand shrine.

★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①
This is a stone fox statue.

It was also there in entrance.
This is looks was clean up.

I heard,
Inari shrline's fox is
messenger of god.

By the way,
What is hold in one's mouth that fox?

★hushimi Inari grand shrine★①
This is very beautiful and decent of shrine, but…
I think little boring.

If I remember rightly,
It is probable that there is a lot of Torii"鳥居"…

to be continue…

同じカテゴリー(寺・神社 srine,temple )の記事画像
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スセリ姫と大国主★Princess Suseri and O-kuni-nushi
★因幡の白うさぎ:White rabbit of Inaba
アマテラスの使者達 国譲りの話①Earth and Heaven
安曇族の謎:Mysteriousness of Azumi-clan
★志賀海神社:Shikano-umi shrine★
同じカテゴリー(寺・神社 srine,temple )の記事
 Suseri's Jealousy★スセリの嫉妬 (2014-09-16 21:34)
 Proposing to princess Nunakawa★大国主、ヌナカワ姫にプロポーズ (2014-08-20 20:31)
 スセリ姫と大国主★Princess Suseri and O-kuni-nushi (2014-07-29 21:02)
 ★因幡の白うさぎ:White rabbit of Inaba (2014-07-23 21:39)
 アマテラスの使者達 国譲りの話①Earth and Heaven (2014-07-16 23:17)
 安曇族の謎:Mysteriousness of Azumi-clan (2014-07-07 21:08)

Posted by チャック・スパ朗(Thuck sparrow) at 11:59│Comments(0)寺・神社 srine,temple 英会話in English歴史的建造物