
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ

The second female kami who her character is "Tsundere" (ツンデレ, pronounced [tsɯndeɽe]).

What is "Tsundere" ?
ツンデレ とは?

"Tsundere""ツンデれ" is a japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.
『ツンデれ』は、当初は冷たく刺々しいが、少しずつ徐々に温かい側面を見せる という過程をもつ日本のキャラクター性格 ←(?) 

The word is derived from the terms tsun tsun (ツンツン), meaning to turn away in disgust, and dere dere (デレデレ)
meaning to become 'lovery-dovey'.
その言葉は、ツンツン(意味合い的には 嫌悪感、離れる)それと、デレデレ(意味合い的には ラブラブいちゃいちゃ)からきている。

Originally found in Japanese "bishoujo games(pretty girl game)" the word is now part of the "otaku""オタク"(a nerd), "moe""萌え"(meaning to a strong interest in particular types of character in video games, anime or manga)
phenomenon, reaching into other media such as maid cafes, anime, manga, novels, and even mass media.
元々は、日本の美少女ゲーム の言葉で、今は "オタク萌え" の一つの(意味合い的には アニメかマンガ、ゲーム、のキャラクターのタイプに強い関心を持つ)現象、メイドカフェ、アニメ、マンガ、小説、など他のメディアやさらにはマスメディアにも広まっている。

more details→from Wikipedia


A girl or boy that is tsundere is usually aloof, irritable or violent, but can be sweet and loving in private, especially when she/he is with someone she/he cares about.

This is one of the image of (Tsundere)↓ツンデレのイメージの一つ
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ


Tsundere (ツンデレ) is a term in anime/manga otaku-moe culture.
ツンデレは、アニメ、マンガ、オタク-萌え 文化からきている。

Its is a character trait given to those whom express alternating feelings of hatred and love for a particular character, often one who is their secret love interest or crush. 

This is the image of (Tsundere)↓俺のツンデレイメージ
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ
The girl say "I-it's not like I like you or anything…B-Baka"

Baka=idiot or stupid or fool

But she really likes you.
She is just putting up a brave front.

This is one of the image of (Tsundere)↓ツンデレのイメージの一つ
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ

This is one of the image of (Tsundere)↓ツンデレのイメージの一つ
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ

This is one of the image of (Tsundere)↓ツンデレのイメージの一つ
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ

This is one of the image of (Tsundere)↓ツンデレのイメージの一つ
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ

This is one of the image of (Tsundere)↓ツンデレのイメージの一つ
Itsukushima shrine③Second female kami ~Tsundere~次女 ツンデレ

And one more, the youngest female kami is …

To be continue.

同じカテゴリー(寺・神社 srine,temple )の記事画像
Proposing to princess Nunakawa★大国主、ヌナカワ姫にプロポーズ
スセリ姫と大国主★Princess Suseri and O-kuni-nushi
★因幡の白うさぎ:White rabbit of Inaba
アマテラスの使者達 国譲りの話①Earth and Heaven
安曇族の謎:Mysteriousness of Azumi-clan
★志賀海神社:Shikano-umi shrine★
同じカテゴリー(寺・神社 srine,temple )の記事
 Suseri's Jealousy★スセリの嫉妬 (2014-09-16 21:34)
 Proposing to princess Nunakawa★大国主、ヌナカワ姫にプロポーズ (2014-08-20 20:31)
 スセリ姫と大国主★Princess Suseri and O-kuni-nushi (2014-07-29 21:02)
 ★因幡の白うさぎ:White rabbit of Inaba (2014-07-23 21:39)
 アマテラスの使者達 国譲りの話①Earth and Heaven (2014-07-16 23:17)
 安曇族の謎:Mysteriousness of Azumi-clan (2014-07-07 21:08)

Posted by チャック・スパ朗(Thuck sparrow) at 11:37│Comments(0)寺・神社 srine,temple 英会話in English