
Itsukushima shrine④ Youngest female kami ~~末女

Youngest female kami who is her caracter is pretty, sweet, cute, gentle, mild, meek, clever, cunning and tough.

She has a smile for everyone she meets through, she used her prestige power.

Her name is "Ichikishimahime"

This is one of the image of "Ichikishimahime"いちきしま姫のイメージの一つ
However, this is her own image.ただし、これは俺が抱いているイメージだ。
Itsukushima shrine④ Youngest  female kami ~~末女
from ryohoji
Itsukushima shrine④ Youngest  female kami ~~末女

These three female kami is tutelary protecting sea and island and sea lanes.

These three female kami is guarding the nation and protecting the imperial household.

These three female kami is enshrined by devout at Itsukushima shrine.

Itsukushima shrine④ Youngest  female kami ~~末女
I took this photograph at underpass.

The underpass is at the front of JR( West Japan Railway Company ) Miyajima-guchi station.

This photograph is an illustration.

This illustration was designed by student of Interior Design at Hiroshima Prefectual Miyajima Technical High School.


This picture shows Three female kami.

Ichikishimahime was alternately receiving worship as the Indian deity Benzaiten.
いちきしま姫は、インドの神 『弁財天』としても崇拝されている。

This is one of the image of "Benzaiten"
Itsukushima shrine④ Youngest  female kami ~~末女

Benzaiten (弁才天, 弁財天) is the Japanese name for the Hindu goddess Saraswati. Worship of Benzaiten arrived in Japan during the 6th through 8th centuries, mainly via the Chinese translations of the Sutra of Golden Light, which has a section devoted to her. She is also mentioned in the Lotus Sutra and often depicted holding a biwa, a traditional Japanese lute, in contrast to Saraswati who holds a stringed instrument known as a veena. Benzaiten is a highly syncretic entity with both a Buddhist and a Shinto side.

-More in the Wikipedia-


This is one of the image of "Saraswati"
Itsukushima shrine④ Youngest  female kami ~~末女

to be continue…

Itsukushima shrine④ Youngest  female kami ~~末女

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 ★因幡の白うさぎ:White rabbit of Inaba (2014-07-23 21:39)
 アマテラスの使者達 国譲りの話①Earth and Heaven (2014-07-16 23:17)
 安曇族の謎:Mysteriousness of Azumi-clan (2014-07-07 21:08)

Posted by チャック・スパ朗(Thuck sparrow) at 14:53│Comments(0)寺・神社 srine,temple 英会話世界遺産in English景勝地歴史的建造物